Watch out for the blog tour & giveaway on April 26 and a possible Q&A with this author.

Author: Annie Solomon
ISBN-10: 0-446-17844-6
Binding: Mass Market Paperback
416 Pages
Publisher: Forever

My Take:
I find myself branching out from my always reliably happy ending books. I’m always surprised to find a strong love story in a mystery book. It’s like a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. It’s not what I’m expecting, but I’, always glad to get it. ONE DEADLY SIN is a whodunit that will keep you guessing ‘til the end. I love how I didn’t guess what is going to happen next.

I find myself worried when Eddie Swann came back home incognito to clear her family name. I often find myself wondering if I would have the guts to do what she did. I fell in love with the Sheriff Holt Drennen of the town right around the time she did. The characters are well-developed. I actually find myself sighing in disappointment when I read the last page. It’s like saying goodbye to the people to my friends and relatives because my vacation is over. I even feel bad for the bad guys.

ONE DEADLY SIN is hard to put down mystery with a good love story in it. I’m still a sucker for love story even as I now crave the excitement of murder-mystery.

Thank you Anna of Hachette Book Group for my review copy.


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