April 30, 2008

About This Blog Feeds

I tried to install feeds link on this blog, unfortunately for me, I didn’t really know what I’m doing. So, I had to redo it so it would point to this blog, as opposed to my practice blog at blogspot.

If you had subscribed before, please subscribe again because I deleted the previous link. It wasn’t doing anything.


We have our 24th winner for this site. This delightful John Grisham book goes to (drum rolls please) Bunny B! Random.org picked up a winner for me this time because my kids are all outsite playing with the dogs. Here’s what I usually do. I number the comments, or in this case, this wordpress template numbered it for me, and then I enter all the numbers in this form, and click a button to draw the random winner.

Bunny B contact me and this book will be on it’s way. Do invite your friends over to join the fun.


Midwives: A novel
by Chris Bohjalian

Published in 1998
ISBN-10: 0-679-77146-8

I’ve been sitting on this book for a while now. It’s just on my TBR pile. With my reading pattern lately, it looks like I’m not going to get to it for a long time yet. I hear wonderful things about this book. In fact, one reader from amazon have this to say:

By Dianna Johnston “Compulsive Reader” (Joplin, MO)

Midwives is a wonderfully written and powerfully told story of a family’s life in small-town Vermont and the events that changed it forever. Gripping and real, Chris Bohjalian has woven together a murder mystery that will have readers guessing until the very end.

Sybil Danforth, midwife and mother of the story’s narrator, 14-year-old Connie, has a thriving practice and normal family life. Then the unthinkable happens: on a cold winter night in the middle of coaching Charlotte Bedford through her lengthy and strenuous labor, tragedy strikes — Charlotte dies while trying to give birth to her son. With phone lines heaving with ice and roads too treacherous to drive upon, Sybil is forced into a decision — to save the unborn baby via a homemade Caeserean or let him die along with his mother.

As the events of that evening unfold, readers are privy to shocking information: the Caesarean Sybil is forced to perform may have been done on a living woman. Soon a courtroom battle ensues, pitting the medical community against midwifery, and readers will be left wondering after each page is turned what really happened on that cold, dark night.

Chris Bohjalian is a very talented writer who has obviously spent a lot of research on this novel. Telling this story in a female voice as accurately as he did makes Midwives all the more compelling and authentic. His writing style was very easy to understand even though it jumps back and forth between past and present. A hearty mystery with a riveting conclusion. I will be reading more by this author.


After an intense drawing, and much shoving, and maybe even a few screaming, we have drawn a winner. Caitlin Hoy won this FREE 23: The Baby Chronicles by Lissa Manley.

Caitlin, please e-mail me via my contact form. Put in the subject line of “Winner 23: The Baby Chronicles by Lissa Manley” with your mailing address.
