Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Confession of a Prayer Slacker by Diane Moody

Free at Amazon Kindle right now, click here

This book sounds interesting. A lot of people seem to like it. It's free right now, so go and get it.  The cover and the title is evocative.  I downloaded it to my kindle and hopefully, will have time to listen to it on my drive to school.

From Amazon:
Let's face it. Most of us are clueless when it comes to praying. Why is that? And how come we've never done anything about it? In Confessions of a Prayer Slacker, author Diane Moody traces her own personal prayer journey with a touch of humor and a healthy dose of transparency. ''I want my readers to stop the merry-go-round of prayerlessness, quit acting like a bunch of spiritual babies, and get serious about this thing called prayer. Without it, we'll never experience the warm, one-on-one relationship God desires to have with each one of us.''