Archive for the 'Free Book' Category

Knight of Desire (All the King’s Men)
by Margaret Mallory
Mass Market Paperback
List Price: $6.99
Published in 2009
ISBN-10: 0-446-55339-5

Knight of Passion is a wonderful historical romance. Lady Linnet is not your typical heroine. She takes control of her fate and take it where she wanted it to go. If she happens to break some hearts along the way, then it’s just casualty of war. Jamie Rayburn’s heart is one of those she broke. Unfortunately for Jamie, he genuinely loves her.

Lady Linnet might come off as callous sometimes, but she cares. She’s a strong lady for her times. When her father arranges a marriage for her to a loathsome man, she took care that it never happens. Now, she has another chance with Jamie. But it looks like she might mess that up, too.

I have a great time reading this book. I took it everywhere with me…especially to waiting rooms at the pool, karate class and other kid’s activities.

Listen to an Excerpt
Check out the Five Fun Facts


Thanks to Hachette Books and Anna, there will be up to 5 winners for this book. Contest open US and Canada only. No PO Boxes, please.

Answer this question below and fill up this form. I will pick a winner from the comments left below, and mailing address to match from the form.

What is type of heroine do you find interesting? What kind makes me gnash your teeth and chew the books to pieces?

Winners will be choosen on July 1. Good luck, and have fun!


Welcome to Harmony
by Jodi Thomas
Paperback, 384 Pages
List Price: $7.99
ISBN-10: 0-425-23510-6
Publication Date: 2010-06-01

Have you ever read a book where you just wear this silly grin on your face the entire time you’re reading it? Then when you’re not grinning with the awesomeness of this wonderful feeling, you’re sighing because, well, it’s just soooo sweet? Welcome to Harmony is such a book for me. Everything about it just works for me.

The book starts with Reagan moving into Harmony to claim Jeremiah (an old cantankerous man) as her uncle. The town of Harmony has a great background story, I just want to move there, too, even though I have an aversion to small town because my business will be everybody else’s.

There’s also Noah who took to Reagan right away and they form a wonderful friendship. I cannot wait to hear how their story will grow. I have patience, though. After all, I fell in love with Susan Elizabeth Phillips character name Ted 13 years ago and I’m still waiting for him to grow up enough to have his own love story. So, I’m looking forward to Reagan and Noah’s story.

The main couple in this book is the sherrif Alex and the fire chief Hank Matheson. They have issues with each other, yet their chemistry leaps out of the pages, you can’t ignore it. There’s also a fine mystery worthy of Sue Grafton and J.A. Jance.

This is the beginning of a series, but it stands on its own. You don’t get that ‘serial set-up’ feeling while reading this book at all. I’m just really lucky at I read excellent book after another this year so far.

Thanks to Jodi Thomas, I’m giving away one brand new copy of this book. Contest open worldwide.
Make sure to answer this question in comment section below (required)

Would you like to live in a small town? Why or why not?

and then fill up this form, too. I will pick the winner from the comments, and get the address from the form.
Winners will be chosen on June 25.


About the book:

The Knight Life is a hilariously twisted view of life through the eyes and pen of its creator, community-oriented urban hipster and award-winning cartoonist Keith Knight. The Knight Life deftly blends political insight and neurotic humor in a uniquely fluid and dynamic style, offering a comic strip that’s fresh, sharp, topical and funny. Designed for daily newspapers, The Knight Life follows Knight’s long-running, 2007 Harvey Award-winning weekly comic strip “The K Chronicles,” which appears on

An unabashedly provocative political and social satire, The Knight Life tackles contemporary issues like consumer culture, bacon, the media, race, family and everything else, gently mocking the minutiae of daily life with self-deprecating humor, honesty and goofiness-a combination that’s perfect for the comics. And The Knight Life’s energetic style reminds readers that comics can look funny as well as read funny. The result is accessible yet edgy, compassionate and political-and never preachy. Cartoonist and comic historian R.C. Harvey said, “The Knight Life is undeniably the best new laugh- and thought-provoker on the comics page. Not since Calvin and Hobbes has there been so novel an entertainment in the funnies.”

Thanks to Anna and Hachette Book Group.
To win this book, leave a comment, then fill up this form.
Two winners will be choosen on June 10.
Giveaway open to US and Canada address. No PO Box please.

Extra entries (+1 each unless otherwise noted):
+2 Visit and check out Keith’s blog on KChronicles.comme then tell me something interesting that you find.
+3 Blog about this contest
+2 sidebar link
“Like” The Knight Life on Facebook
Follow @KeefKnight on Twitter

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Mass Market Paperback
Published: May 2010
ISBN-10: 0-446-55598-3

Product Description(from Amazon)

Robin Wells takes us back to Chartreuse, Louisiana, for a deeply moving story of forgiveness and second chances.


After Katie Charmaine’s husband is killed in Iraq, all she has left is a closet full of his clothes, a few pictures, and fond memories. She not only lost her love, but her last chance to have the children she’s always wanted. Until Zack Ferguson shows up in town . . . with the daughter Katie gave up for adoption nearly seventeen years ago.

Zack Ferguson has never forgotten Katie, or the one magical night they spent together. Seeing her again brings up a tidal wave of emotions: regret over the way he left her, anger at the secret she kept, and desire he hasn’t felt in years. But he’s in town for Gracie. Their daughter is sixteen, angry at the world, and-worst of all-pregnant. She needs the love of her two parents now more than ever. Can these three forgive the hurts of the past and open their hearts to each other?

Check out the Five Fun Facts
Download the Reading Group Guide

First, huge thanks to Anna and Hachette Book Group for this giveaway.
Leave a comment, and fill in this form at the same time.
Contest open to US and Canada. No PO Box address, please.
Extra entries:
+3 tell me something from the Five fun facts
+2 tweet this contest,
+2 facebook link,
+3 create a blog,
+2 sidebar link and
+2 follow @RobinRWells on Twitter.
Please leave the links in the comment form.
Drawing will be on May 30. Up to 5 winners!

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First let me say how happy I am to get a chance to appear here on This Book for Free!

I’m the author of a humorous Regency romance An Improper Suitor and two Austenesque novels, The Other Mr. Darcy and The Darcy Cousins.

People often ask me what it is about Jane Austen that inspires me to write spin-offs or Austenesques (I hesitate to use the word sequel). At first sight is seems like a strange choice. Why would I want to hark back to something that was written all of two hundred years ago?

On the most basic level (and I mean most basic), Pride and Prejudice is the blueprint for our most common romances today. The powerful/rich man falling in love with the poor, socially more insignificant young woman is fleshed out fully for the first time by Jane Austen and has become the tried and true plot that is repeated endlessly in romances today. In that sense, part of Jane Austen’s mass appeal today is that her plot is so easily recognizable. It is something familiar, with an unfamiliar setting – a fairy tale setting, I might add, because it’s about balls and carriages, footmen and palatial mansions. Add to it, you have a “feisty” young heroine and a glamorous young hero who fall gloriously in love. How many little girls dress themselves in long gowns and pretend to be “princesses”? Yet Jane Austen’s people are that fairy tale embodied – real life people who “go to the ball” and dance and perhaps lose their delicate silk slippers, although Elizabeth Bennet is more likely to get her half-boots mired in mud. It’s the quintessential fairy tale converted into real life.

But to sum up Pride and Prejudice this way is to do Jane Austen an injustice. There’s no doubt that Pride and Prejudice is a gorgeous romance. But it’s also about a lot of other things that are not as easy for us to appreciate because they’re rooted in the historical reality of her time. From a 21st century perspective, some of these topics are more easily recognizable than others.  The class structure and initial snobbery of Mr. Darcy, the equivalent of our modern multi-millionaire, his acquaintances, and his aunt Lady Catherine come across loud and clear. Some of the other issues she writes about are not as easy to recognize. Things like the fragility of women’s reputations, the unfairness of inheritance laws, the dependence of the clergy on patronage, the restrictions on women that prevented them from pursuing what they wanted (for example, Jane’s not being able to go and give Bingley a good shake and bring him to his senses). Jane Austen herself was very aware of these things, dependent as she was on the goodwill of the males around her for getting her novels published as well as having somewhere to live and to write.

Yet again, though, Austen would have fallen by the wayside long ago if her writing depended only on romance and her depiction of a historical lifestyle that is no longer relevant to readers not interested in historical romance. Beyond that, it is her characters that have survived the test of time. Who could ever forget Mrs Bennet with her “nerves” and her inability to understand her husband? Mr. Collins, with his artificial complements and his worship of the powerful Lady Catherine? The flighty, thick skinned Lydia who never realizes how close she has come to ruin? The list goes on. Then there is the sly humour that makes fun of us even as we read, the polished style that controls point of view so well that she takes us for a ride. And many other small things that make up a novel which still speaks to us two hundred years later.

I could go on and on. But the point is that to me these characters are still alive two hundred years after they were written. They are alive enough for me to want to discover more about them. I want to become their friend, to learn more about Darcy’s sister, the shy young woman who lives in his shadow. I want to know what happened to Anne de Bourgh, who hardly says a word during Elizabeth’s visit to Rosings Park, who has to live, like her cousin Georgiana, in the shadow of someone whose personality is so much stronger. I wanted them to get a chance in life, to emerge from the shadows into the sunlight. This is why I wrote The Darcy Cousins. I wanted a story full of fun, full of the dazzle of balls and picnics by the ruins of an Abbey, of secret plans and of rowing on the Thames, things that would make us laugh and bring some joy into the cold world of Rosings Park.

For those of you who love Pride and Prejudice as I do, what do you think is the secret of Jane Austen’s success?


A young lady in disgrace should at least strive to behave with decorum…

Dispatched from America to England under a cloud of scandal, Mr. Darcy’s incorrigible American cousin, Clarissa Darcy, manages to provoke Lady Catherine de Bourgh, Mr. Collins, and the parishioners of Hunsford all in one morning!

And there are more surprises in store for that bastion of tradition, Rosings Park, when the family gathers for their annual Easter visit. Georgiana Darcy, generally a shy model of propriety, decides to take a few lessons from her unconventional cousin, to the delight of a neighboring gentleman. Anne de Bourgh, encouraged to escape her “keeper” Mrs. Jenkinson, simply…vanishes. But the trouble really starts when Clarissa and Georgiana both set out to win the heart of the same young man…


Literature professor Monica Fairview loves teaching students the joys of reading. But after years of postponing the urge, she finally realized that what she really wanted to do was write.  The author of The Other Mr. Darcy and An Improper Suitor, the American-born Ms. Fairview currently resides in London. For more information, please visit

Open to US and Canada addresses only. No PO Boxes please.
Leave a comment for the author here. Then e-mail me your mailing address.
You may reTweet, or Tweet about this contest for extra entries. Leave links to me.
On May 1, I will send the winner’s address to the publisher and you’ll get your book.

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