Posts Tagged 'Sourcebooks'

Backstage Pass: The Sinners on Tour
by Olivia Cunning
ISBN-10: 1402244428

This is an erotic romance book. Before I started reading these genre or is it sub-genre, I thought it’s a book full of sex, sex, sex. I was pleasantly surprised when I read one and found out that, yes, it contained many sex scenes. However, that is not all of it. There is a wonderful story of a relationship that’s forming, and growing. It’s still essentially a story about two people connecting. Only they are much more sexually adventurous and the author is not shy about writing the scenes out.

Backstage Pass by Olivia Cunning is a scorching book. It’s also a good love story between Brian Sinclair, an awesome songwriter and guitarist, and Myrna Evans, a college professor with a secret. I think this book would have sent my childhood preacher into cardiac arrest. Not because he doesn’t know anything about sex, but because of how explicit it is.

I enjoyed reading this book. I think my husband enjoyed that I read this book, too. I highly recommend it even if you erotic romance is not your genre. This is one of a kind.

Thanks to Danielle of Sourcebooks for my review copy.

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If you can have Christmas in August, whom would you like to have in your stocking, and
why? (Right now, I’ll go for David Boreanaz. He’s got such sexy grin, and his behind is not bad either!)

Hmm… Christmas in August… man in my stocking… Good question, but since we’re
talking fantasy here, I think I’d take a Zetithian—but if he has to be human, there’s this guynamed Daniel that I wouldn’t mind getting as a gift!

Hint: he has long dark hair and his picture is in the sidebar on my blog.;-)

If you’re going to be stuck in an island for some time, what are the three items you must have? (This is assuming that you have food and shelter and don’t have to worry about dying.)

My husband, my guitar, and some sort of creative activity. I’ve always had this need to
create, be it candles, pies, books, or sequined shirts for a country singer—and yes, I actually did that!—otherwise, I’d go nuts!

Virginia C
What’s the very first book that made a lasting impression on you from your childhood?

Nine Coaches Waiting by Mary Stewart is the first novel I can remember reading
that wasn’t a children’s book. I loved her voice, the romance, and the suspense. Then I read all of her books and loved every one of them, particularly her Merlin Trilogy. Great stuff!

What’s the last book you read that made you cry?

Cheryl: It’s been out for a while now, so this isn’t a spoiler, but when Fred Weasley was killed in the last Harry Potter book, I was pretty weepy-eyed.


How do you decide on the names for your characters?

The heroes mostly have feline sounding names, but since I’ve used Cat, Leo, Manx, and Lynx, there aren’t many left. The later ones are a bit more obscure. Tychar (Rogue) began with the word tiger, and I played with it a bit to come up with that spelling. Trag (Hero) is a combination of tiger and dragon. For the heroes of books 7-9, I’ve gone to some scientific names and played around with the spellings and pronunciations.

When it comes to the names of heroines or secondary characters, I just use whatever feels best. Sometimes I hit random keys and move letters around or replace vowels until I come up with something I like.

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

I don’t have much in the way of spare time anymore, but I like to cook, garden, play guitar and sing, plus I have three horses. I don’t ride very much these days, but I do love my big pasture pets!


Do you get to choose your own titles?

I come up with a working title, but the final choice is usually out of my hands. Of the books in the Cat Star Chronicles series, so far, only Fugitive and Hero were published with the titles I gave them originally, and Fugitive was almost re-titled because they didn’t think it would fit on the cover! However, one of the guys in the art department was able to make the letters narrow enough to fit, which was fortunate because there really isn’t another word that means the same thing as fugitive—at least, I can’t think of one.

How much input do you have in your covers?

The folks in the art department ask for character descriptions, but since none of my covers shows a full face on any of the guys, hair color is about the only thing that matters, and sometimes you can’t even see that much. My covers are then designed by Anne Cain, who I think does a fabulous job. The initial covers are sent to me, and I comment on them. I don’t like the headless torso thing, and I’ve had to request that a few of them be changed as a result. So far, any major objections I’ve had have at least been considered, and most have been corrected. The main input I had on the cover of Hero was to tell them not to change it. I loved it just the way it was when it was first presented to me.

If you could meet any author from the past that inspired you to become an author, who
would you like to meet and what would you like to ask them?

I’d like to ask William Shakespeare if he was actually the one who wrote all of that
stuff. Of course, I probably wouldn’t be able to make heads or tails of his reply, but it would be interesting, just the same.

Pam S

What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?

Chocolate. Pure and simple. It just doesn’t get any better than that.

What is your most memorable vacation?

Probably the trip I took to Las Vegas a couple of years ago—and not so much for the
casinos or anything like that, but because of the side trip we took to the Grand Canyon. Now, that was memorable.!

Meredith Miller

Have you had any “real life” adventures that have influenced your characters or plots?

Cheryl: LOL! I’ve had so few adventures, it isn’t even funny. There have been people, books, situations, random comments, and movies that have influenced me, but not too many people care to read about the things nurses do on a daily basis. It usually isn’t very pretty….

What is the strangest question someone has ever asked you in an interview?

Probably the questions regarding how I came up with the idea for the Zetithians and
their, um, equipment. No, wait! Scratch that. It was my answer that was strange….

Terri C
When did you know you wanted to make a career of writing?

Cheryl: In 2004, I was watching Under the Tuscan Sun with my husband, and when I remarked that it would be pretty cool to be a writer living in Tuscany, he said “Write!” So I wrote! I haven’t made it anywhere near Italy yet, but maybe someday.

What is your favorite writing environment?

Back here in my bedroom with the curtains closed, sitting at my messy desk right next
to my messy, unmade bed. All I need is my computer, my trusty Boy Scout cup full of tea or ice water, my computer glasses, and I’m good to go. I can write in other places, but this is where most of it happens.


Who are your most favorite authors?

I know they aren’t terribly current, but Mary Stewart, Georgette Heyer, and Daphne
DuMaurier have been favorites of mine since I was a kid. More recently, I fell in love with the Harry Potter series (along with millions of others) and I’ve read and enjoyed many of the books written by my fellow Sourcebooks Casablanca authors. Aside from that, I haven’t read very many books lately because I simply don’t have the time!

Who are the biggest supporters of your writing?

The core group of ladies who follow and comment on my blog are probably my most vocal supporters, however the gang I work with at the hospital aren’t far behind. Anytime we’re out together, they somehow manage to mention the fact that I’m a writer to someone. My family is supportive, but they just don’t read the sort of books I write, so they aren’t fans.


What do you enjoy reading?

I read the Harry Potter series over and over again—usually as a means of winding
down before bed. It’s very difficult for me to read a romance novel without critiquing it, but JK Rowling’s writing is such that I don’t have to think about how it’s written; I can focus on the story and it diverts my mind better than anything else.

Aurora M

What book was your earliest memory?

I can’t recall the author’s name, but the title of the book was A Horse of Her Own. It
was about a young girl living in England who got a pony and learned to ride. It was told in first person from her point of view, and was probably the earliest influence on me to enjoy reading (and writing) in that POV.

If you could have any other job what would it be?

Cheryl: I’d like to play lead guitar in a rock band. …hey, you asked me….

The Cat Star Chronicles #6

He is the sexiest, most irksome man she’s ever encountered…
Micayla is the last Zetithian female left in the universe. She doesn’t know what’s normal for her species, but she knows when she sees Trag that all she wants to do is bite him…

He has searched all over the galaxy for a woman like her…
Trag has sworn he’ll never marry unless he can find a Zetithian female. But now that he’s finally found Micayla, she may be more of a challenge than even he’s able to take on…

About the Author
Cheryl Brooks is an Intensive Care Unit nurse by night and a romance writer by day. Previous books in The Cat Star Chronicles series include Slave, Warrior, Rogue, Outcast and Fugitive.

She is a member of the RWA and lives with her husband and sons in Indiana. For more
information, please visit


Two winners on September 15.
US and Canada addresses only. No PO Box.
Fill in this form and leave a comment on this post. Feel free to ask more question if you have them, and Cheryl may answer if her time permits.

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The Wolf Next Door
by Lydia Dare
Mass Market Paperback, 416 Pages
List Price: $6.99
Published in 2010
ISBN-10: 1-4022-3696-4

Prisca Hawthorne and William Westfield is now one of my most favorite romantic couple right along with Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy. William is a wolf who live right next door to Prisca who didn’t know.

They hooked up when they were younger, but something went horribly wrong. Now, they can only bark at each other all the time. He’s hang up on her, and she is too. But they have pride.

I love the way Lydia Dare play up this old flame story. It is an excellent tale. It’s not like those contrived tale of old flame I’ve had the misfortune to read before. I cannot put this book down because I just wanted Will to find his happily ever after.

My favorite scene in the book is about Prisca taking a walk outside to wait for a wolf who visit her in the garden. They’d just sit together and enjoy each other’s company. Will is quite charming, and you can’t help but love him. He practically jump out of the pages of the book and prance before you in all his beauty and sex appeal.

My verdict? Not to be missed! It doesn’t matter if you’re a romance reader or not. This story is just fun, fun, fun!

If you also reviewed this book, feel free to leave your link. The link must land to that specific post. All others will be deleted.

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I Love This Bar (Book 1, Honky Tonk Series)
by Carolyn Brown
Mass Market Paperback, 384 Pages
List Price: $7.99
Published in 2010
ISBN-10: 1-4022-3926-2

I was 9 years old when I started reading about cowboys. I particularly like Diana Palmer’s Long, Tall Texan series and Joan Johnston’s Hawks Way series. I just love cowboys. When I was offered a chance to immersed myself in Honky Tonk set almost right at my backyard, I cannot resist.

This time, there’s Daisy O’Dell who’s perfectly happy to manage a bar she inherited from her friend, Ruby. She has her regulars, and her juke box. She takes care of animals in her time off. She’s sort of the anointed local vet.

One night, she literally run into Jarod McElroy, a guy from Oklahoma who only went to Texas to help his old and sick uncle, and changed the course of her life. Jarod’s uncle Emmett is an adorable curmudgeon of a man. He’s practically a teddy bear with a bark and bite. He deserves special mention because I really like him.

This is a fun book to read. I highly recommend it. Carolyn Brown excels at giving you a close look at the locales,  you can almost taste the dust on your tongue.

If you also reviewed this book, feel free to leave your link. The link must land to that specific post. All others will be deleted.

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For me there’s something magical about the 19th Century. Blame it on Fitzwilliam Darcy, but I’ve been obsessed with the time period since I was 12 years old and first read Pride and Prejudice. I think a lot of us feel that way, or at least I hear from a lot of people who say they do. Since that time, I’ve immersed myself in all things Regency. So when I decided to embark on a series set in my favorite time period, I wanted to tweak it a bit and make it truly magical.

The world I created for the Westfield Brothers contains all the glamour and elegance of Regency, England – elaborate balls, beautiful gowns, and stately manors. However I added a paranormal twist to my version. A bit of magic, if you will. Heroes who grow fur, sprout tails, and howl at the full moon and heroines (some of them anyway) who cast spells, mix potions, and keep their inner witch a secret from society. After all, it wasn’t that long ago – if one lived in the Regency Era – where witches were hunted and killed. Keeping a secret of this nature is a necessity of survival.

And that brings me to the most important element in my world – Secrecy. From the outside, my Regency landscape looks the same as it does many other novels, and even to secondary characters who are none the wiser about what happens in the estate next door or the adjacent opera box. My werewolves know exactly what they are, but have to keep it a secret from society or risk their own peril. So they do what is expected of them. They attend balls, the theatre, horse races, and hunting parties except when the moon is full, to keep their most inner selves safe from the rest of society. They wear Hessian boots, waistcoats, cravats, and wolfish smiles; but only their true love will be entrusted to keep their secret safe.

In my debut trilogy, I introduce you to my world and to the Brothers Westfield – Simon, the Duke of Blackmoor, in A Certain Wolfish Charm; Lord Benjamin in Tall, Dark and Wolfish; and Lord William in The Wolf Next Door. The three of them are vastly different from each other in personality (I think birth order is mainly to blame for that); though all have their own niche in Regency society. Two things band these brothers together – familial bonds and their shared secret that cannot be trusted to just anyone. To give you taste, here’s an excerpt for Tall, Dark and Wolfish where we learn that Benjamin has a bit of problem that no other werewolf he knows of has ever had. Under the guise of a typical social club for the gentlemen high society, these werewolves are able to meet and keep track of the goings-on in their world:

Rain poured over the brim of Lord Benjamin Westfield’s beaver hat. He stepped out of the darkness and crossed the threshold of Canis House, the exclusive social club to which he belonged. He handed his drenched greatcoat and ruined hat to the awaiting footman and walked into the warm light of the drawing room.

Ben glanced around at the other members, searching the faces for his older brothers. They weren’t there. Thank God! He didn’t think he could put on a cheerful face tonight, and they would most certainly see through his dark mood.

“Is the Duke of Blackmoor here this evening?” he asked the footman just to be certain.

The man shook his head. “I have not seen His Grace. However, Lord William was here, my lord.”

Ben looked around the room once more. He didn’t see Will. If he was quick, he could leave before his brother ever knew he was here. “And Major Forster?”

The footman gestured toward the back of the drawing room. “At his usual table, my lord.”

Ben took the first relieved breath he’d had in days, hopeful the major could help him. He thanked the footman and then crossed the room to where his father’s oldest friend sat in a dark corner, sipping whisky. “Am I interrupting?”

Major Desmond Forster’s dark eyes twinkled as he looked up from his drink. “Ah, Benjamin. It’s been an age. Please, please.” He gestured toward an empty chair at his table. “To what do I owe this honor?”

Ben swallowed. It wasn’t something he could just blurt out. In fact, now that he was here, he didn’t know what to say to Forster at all. “I, uh, could use your counsel, sir.”

“My counsel?” The old man leaned back in his seat and grinned. “I am flattered. I thought you generally sought out Blackmoor.”

Usually he did. But this wasn’t something he could discuss with his brother, neither of them. In fact, keeping Simon and Will from learning his secret was of the utmost importance. Ben took a deep breath and leaned in close over the table. “I’m in trouble, Major.”

The man’s smile vanished instantly. “What sort of trouble, Benjamin?”

He held tightly to the table and willed the words out of his mouth. “I didn’t change.”

“You didn’t change?” the officer echoed.

“With the full moon last night,” he explained. “I. Didn’t. Change.”

For the first time in his life as a Lycan man, Benjamin Westfield hadn’t sprouted a tail, long snout, or paws. He’d sought the moon the same way he always did, this time in a clearing in the woods, for his transformation. But last night, nothing happened. A moonbeam touched him, but the change that was so much a part of him didn’t come and he’d stood there for an eternity waiting and wondering why he was broken.

Major Forster’s face drained of its color and his mouth fell open. “You didn’t change?” he repeated, this

Read the rest of this entry »

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