January 26, 2009

Winners & Announcement

This is so delayed. I put this contest up in October, and got distracted. But the books are still here and I’ve picked winners. I went to random.org and used their list randomizer. I picked the first two on the list after they have scrambled it for me.


Beyond Seduction (Bastion Club #6)
by Stephanie Laurens
Mass Market Paperback

This is the original post for this contest. Make sure to check the section of “books you can still win”. I’m still giving it away even if a tad delayed.

BTW, my blog anniversary is coming up. I’m making it around my birthday time because that’s when I had my first book up for free. I am going to have a separate drawing for all the people who linked to me and hanged my button on their sidebar. Be sure to go and register to Mr. Linky. It’s less than a month away. I will be checking the links right before I draw a winner. The prize I haven’t decided yet.


I missed this site. I was in a cooking frenzy days before Thanksgiving, and then I had to recover from all that eating. How was your Thanksgiving? After finally having recovered from gluttony, I fell into a reading funk where I didn’t want to do anything until I find a book that I want to read. I was petrified that I was coming to the end of my reading days. It’s like going blind. I’ve never been, but I’m afraid of not being able to do something. So, I was just here listlessly going around my books like a ghost. Then, God’s Behaving Badly by Marie Phillips came and I was back to my normal programming. Did your copy arrive? Have you started reading? I haven’t finished the book. I’m savoring it. I’m reading it aloud to my husband. While it’s true that he drops off to sleep while I’m reading it to him, it’s nothing personal. He fell asleep in Quantum Solace, Body of Lies and all other movies we’ve seen recently. Hmm. I wonder if I should have this guy checked out with his rampant sleepiness in movies.

Anyways, I’m back, and I’ve got a book for you! This is the first book that launches a most fantastic series of Chicago Stars by Susan Elizabeth Phillips. This is a book about Phoebe and Dan Calebow. It’s a book about love, about challenges and about relationship. I can’t get enough of this series. Have you read any of her books? This particular book?

Well, it doesn’t matter. This one is the newest re-release of this title and it is signed by SEP herself. To win this copy, leave a comment for this post. If you have nothing to say, tell me about your favorite romantic comedy book. If you’re not a romantic comedy fan, then tell me about the book that made you gave up sleep. That one book that you keep just so you can read the good parts any time you want to.

Then, I will add  two additional winners who will get a copy of Glitter Baby. You can listen to her radio interview here, and check out more info about this book. I actually paid 80 dollars for a copy of this book because I wanted to read it so bad. Well, now, you can read it too.

This book is coming out on December 30, 2008.

Here’s how to win this about to be release book.

Send people to leave a comment to this post. They have to mention your name so I’ll know which one sends the most. The person who sends the most people win a copy straight from amazon.com.

Then another person will win another copy from the pool of visitors that came along.

In summary, One person will win a signed copy of It Had To Be You by Susan Elizabeth Phillips on December 15. Then on December 24, two people will win a copy of Glitter Baby by Susan Elizabeth Phillips.

So, go comment, and send unsuspecting people here.

Contest open worldwide. To international winners, I will mail the book. However, I have three packages returned to me for not being claimed. No re-mails because postage is expensive.

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October 13, 2008

It Was Fun

I was supposed to do a lot of things today, and I decided to change the looks on my blog instead. I can’t fix the header, but I’ll just have to worry about that later. I like this lay-out because it allows for comment reply, which I like to do, without ruining the number order of comments for drawing prizes.

Anybody have any idea how to add header image in a wordpress theme? I can’t guess the code. I usually play around with it, but I can’t guess this one. It’s so plain.

The Buns and Roses Romance Tea for Literacy was very fun. My daughter might have been bored while waiting for tea and speeches, but she perked right up when she discover her goodies. I’ve got double copies of some of the newer books of Sherrilyn Kenyon. I’ll put it right up soon.

Here’s my daughter and I with Sherrilyn Kenyon.


I am very excited about tomorrow’s Buns and Roses Romance Tea for Literacy. It’s going to be from 2-5 and Sherrilyn Kenyon is going to be there! Who reads her? I totally fell for Acheron, her latest book and main hunk! I want to get me some Acheron! Read an excerpt here.

Okay, sorry to get carried away. I just can’t wait to see Ms. Kenyon again. I’m taking my 11-year old daughter with me. I had to missed a good friend’s birthday party for this. Seriously!

We have a winner for this book: Learning to Breath by Karen White!

Congratulations to Merryl! Please contact me with your mailing address so I can send this book to you. If you feel like writing a review, please e-mail me so I can post it here.

Learning to Breathe
by Karen White
Published in 2007
ISBN-10: 0-451-22034-X
